Also be sure to check out our latest Terraria hoiks guide. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Terraria guide. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Terraria game. You can find them in our guide and we will provide terraria best npc setups for you. There are certain settlements to regulate npc happiness in terraria. In this content, you can read the terraria optimal npc setup and happines guide. Terraria Traveling and Skeleton Merchants.Terraria Optimal NPC Setup and Happiness Housing 1.4.Terraria New Luck Stat Explained & How it works (Journey’s End 1.Terraria Population Control Guide (New 1.4 Town System).A trap door is use for the upstairs room, any platform can work as well and it is still a valid room. This leaves room for you to add some chests or decorations if you want. 8 x 8 | 10 x 8 | 8 x 8 (counting outer walls) Here is an example of the layout I will be using. Note that he spawns randomly underground and will despawn as soon as he is off screen. During the daytime his prices will go up 10% and during night time there will be no effect to prices. His prices and item he sells are affected by the phase of moon which I will show the price change below. So be sure to have town in Ocean biome and what ever biome is next to your dungeon and hope he spawns there for the lowest prices. He has a chance to randomly spawn each day next to 2 NPC’s.

The further away he is from the initial spawn the lower his prices are. His prices are highest the the closer he is to the initial spawn.
If you already know what happiness is and how it effects the NPC, feel free to skip this part. I am open to opinions and other idea’s so feel free to comment and let me know. Below I will explain in a short description why I have placed who I have together in the same household.